Are Composite Veneers Safe?

Are Composite Veneers Safe?

Dental composite veneers are a cosmetic dentistry treatment that can dramatically alter the appearance of your smile in a short amount of time. In addition, they are often minimally invasive, meaning only small amounts or no tooth structure needs to be removed for their placement. This makes them an excellent option for those looking to change the look, position, or appearance of their teeth without too much fuss.

But Are They Safe?

Yes, when completed by a licensed professional, like Cedarwood Dentistry. The danger comes from having composite veneers placed at an office that isn’t a licensed dentist. Without proper training and experience, you can end up with cosmetic results that are less than ideal or, worse, damage to your teeth. So it’s essential to book an appointment with a certified cosmetic dentist for any cosmetic dentistry procedures, including composite veneers.

When done properly, composite veneers can last up to 20 years with proper care. And with many cosmetic treatments, the results are instant and can make a huge difference in how you feel about your smile. So if you’re looking to change, composite veneers are a great choice.

Composite vs. Porcelain Veneers: What’s the Difference?

There are two different kinds of veneers: composite veneers and porcelain veneers. Both will improve the look of your smile, but each has its differences. For one, they use different materials. Composite veneers are made of composite resin, while porcelain veneers are made of thin porcelain. As a result, the application process and cost differ. 

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers take more than one visit to complete the application process, as they are made in a lab. In addition, the process typically requires reshaping your natural teeth. For your first visit, the dentist will take an impression of your teeth and send it to the lab. While the veneers are being made, you’ll have temporary veneers. Once your veneers are ready, you’ll return for a second appointment to have the porcelain veneers applied. 

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are less costly, and the application process is less time-consuming than porcelain veneers. Typically, composite veneers can be applied in one day, enhancing your smile in a shorter time span than porcelain veneers. In addition, composite veneers are minimally invasive, meaning that your natural teeth are not permanently altered, whereas porcelain requires them to be reshaped. 

While both composite and porcelain veneers will change the appearance of your smile and offer their own benefits, our team at Cedarwood Dentistry will work with you to discover the best option for your needs. 

Get the Smile of Your Dreams

Safety should always be the first priority when considering cosmetic dentistry treatments. When you book your appointment feel free to ask plenty of questions so that you know what to expect from the procedure and understand the risks if any. With the proper care and attention, composite veneers can help you achieve a beautiful smile and boost your confidence.

At Cedarwood Dentistry, we cultivate dental health through personalized care. We offer a variety of dental services, including family dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and emergency care in Midlothian, Virginia. Whether you last visited the dentist six months or six years ago, we can help bring your smile to life. Schedule your dentist appointment today by calling 804-379-9375.

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